YMCA Building

The oldest YMCA building still standing in the state of Alabama was in danger of being torn down in Selma, Alabama.

The stabilization project for the YMCA building started in October 2012 and was completed in July 2013. The SDCHPS, working with Barter and Associates of Mobile, AL, was pleased to have CRL Lovelady Construction, LLC, of Selma as the contractor on the project. This was by far the largest and most costly project ever undertaken by the Historic Society.

The stabilization work included a new roof, shoring up of all exterior walls, rebuilding floors that had collapsed as the roof caved in, and making the building water tight.

The historical significance of the YMCA building is tremendous, and while the Society cannot bring the building back to its original look and beauty, it has made tremendous strides in protecting the building from further neglect and demolition. The loss of the building would have decimated the streetscape on Selma’s Broad Street, the main street (U.S. Highway 80).